Asset Protection Lawyer

You should be aware that should you have a visitor to your home and they get injured you can be exposed to paying damages to them if your Insurance Company refuses to protect you, and they surely can, as you must have heard on many occasions with them using almost any dirty trick to not pay you, All With a Smile. Similarly, if you are engaged in litigation there is a very real risk that your can lose your assets if the results don’t go your way. There are methods however which can put you in a much stronger position to protect your assets as developed over decades of experience from experts in the field. This is not an Absolute Protection as the law is ever changing and evolving, but using similar methods as used by the British Royal Family via Protective Trusts and other Documents, you are much better off than just “Taking a Chance” and doing nothing. If your Estate or Assets are in the millions of dollars the costs associated with this enterprise are basically tiny. If you have few or no Assets then you don’t need to do this. In the immortal words of Boy Dylan, “If You’ve Got Nothing, Then You’ve Got Nothing to Lose” but hopefully you will have Much More Than Nothing and Effectively Lots to Lose……..

Best Superannuation Lawyers Brisbane

Injured in a Car etc, in a Public Place like a Supermarket or Cinema, or at Work, then you may be able to claim via your Superannuation Fund on a NO WIN NO FEE BASIS – we can offer other services related to this but are not permitted to tell you due to the Power of Insurance Companies preventing thes.

Challenging Wills

Challenging Wills or Family Provision Applications – if you feel you have been short-changed or not received anything at all, let us determine whether it may be worthwhile to Challenge the Will to get you a better deal. Not every case is worth pursuing however, so you must bear this in mind and risk is associated with all litigation.
Probate or Intestacy – if you die leaving a Will or not, if you Estate is any more than a very small one, there is a very real probability that you may have to get the Sanction of the Court and our fees start from $2,200 plus Outlays for these services.

Wills & Power of Attorney

Wills and EPOAs (Enduring Powers of Attorney) – really no point in doing one without the other…. Sad fact is that towards the end of life most of us “Lose Our Marbles” and if you don’t have and EPOA in place then expensive applications to the Courts are required…. Very False Economy to worry about the price of an EPOA when you may have to pay between $10,000 to $20,000 on a Court Application to protect your interests. Sort of like not fixing that oil leak before you cross the desert, and well you know, the engine seizes and you have to get a helicopter in to rescue you and your family……

Probate & Intestacy

If you die leaving a Will or not, if you Estate is any more than a very small one, there is a very real probability that you may have to get the Sanction of the Court and our fees start from $2,200 plus Outlays for these services.

Our experienced Team with provide you with Prompt No-nonsense Advice Expressed in Relatable English, where at all possible, at a very reasonable cost with no hidden “Gottchas” or surprises.